Roxel UK’s Mitch Williams Takes on a 50-Mile Ultramarathon for MIND UK

Roxel UK’s Mitch Williams Takes on a 50-Mile Ultramarathon for MIND UK

MIND fundraiser 2024

Roxel UK’s Mitch Williams Takes on a 50-Mile Ultramarathon for MIND UK

At Roxel UK, we are always proud to support team members who are passionate about charities that are close to their heart.  One such inspiring individual is Mitch Williams, who is taking on the BUFF Joust 12-Hour Ultramarathon to raise funds and awareness for MIND UK, a charity dedicated to supporting mental health.

What is the BUFF Joust 12-Hour Ultramarathon?

Mitch is busy training for an incredible challenge, a 50-mile (80.4 km) ultramarathon which involves a 5.5-mile looped course that Mitch will repeat as many times as possible within 12 hours or until he hits his 50-mile target. There is no doubt that it’s a gruelling test of endurance and determination, but Mitch is driven by a powerful and simple motivation: “Why not?”

A Personal Connection to Mental Health

For Mitch, this ultramarathon is more than just a race, it is a way to raise awareness and support for those struggling with mental health issues. Having faced his own battles, Mitch understands the importance of having access to help and the courage to seek it. Mitch says, “Many people we know struggle in silence and don’t know where they can get help. My goal is to raise money for a charity that helps others and raises awareness that the help is out there.” He explains that running is more than a hobby for Mitch; it’s his way of maintaining a healthy mind. “My demons are lazy,” he says, crediting running with helping him keep his mental health in check.

Mitch Training for Success

To prepare for the ultramarathon, Mitch has been training rigorously with the Amazing Feet Running Club. His preparation includes long-distance runs, hill sprints for strength, and bodyweight training to improve flexibility and reduce injury risk. Recently, Mitch completed a back-to-back training run which involved running 25 miles on a Saturday afternoon followed by another 25 miles the next morning, an approach which aims to simulate the fatigue and challenges of ultramarathon running, testing his endurance on tired legs.

Hope and a message from Mitch

Mitch’s primary goal is simply to complete the race, with any money raised being a welcome bonus. He hopes his efforts will inspire others to reach out for support when needed, and to remind everyone that help is available. Reflecting on his challenge, Mitch channels the spirit of Forrest Gump, saying, “Mama says they was my magic shoes, they could take me anywhere.” As you can tell Mitch has a great sense of humour, a quality which will stand him in good stead on an ultramarathon.

To find out more about Mitch’s ultramarathon and to donate, please visit his JustGiving page here>

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